Go Car Free

Welcome to the Go Car Free Course™

An eLearning program that teaches and celebrates the car free and car lite lifestyle.

Car Free Course



This online course will show you how to commute to work or school car free, and lead a full, active car free or car lite lifestyle. The program is not abstract theory. It’s not a fringe concept applicable to a select few. It is a broad-based, step-by-step process that almost anyone, anywhere can follow to start saving money, driving less, and living more. You absolutely can live well without relying on a car. Even if you’re convinced you “need” a car, this program will change your mind. Click on Lesson 1 to get started.

Financial Benefits

The Go Car Free Course can help you slash your monthly expenses, pay off your credit cards or student loans, become debt-free, save for retirement, build an investment portfolio, save for a down payment on a house, or pay off your mortgage early. You could even become a millionaire and retire decades sooner — just by being car free or car lite. Check out Lesson 2 to learn how. 

Lifestyle and Health Benefits

Financial benefits are only the beginning. You’ll also learn how being car free or car lite is liberating, rewarding, and fun. Without a car to constantly take care of, you’ll have more free time, fewer hassles, lower stress, less aggravation, and far less to worry about. When you stop driving you’ll also improve your health, get more exercise, lose weight, sleep better, and spend more time on the things that are important to you. In other words, you’ll be happier, healthier, and much wealthier. Lessons 3 through 7 cover these topics.

Environmental Benefits

Want to help the planet and fight climate change? Driving a gasoline-powered car is the single largest source of pollution that most people create daily. And the number one reason they drive is to commute to work or school. If we can reduce this one source of greenhouse gas we can solve the climate crisis. 

In short, this program will help you save a ton of money, have more freedom, more free time, less to worry about, and live your values. So sign in and get started.

Car Free Success Story

This information changed my life, no exaggeration. After reading all the success stories and watching the interviews with car free people and the benefits they’re getting, I made the decision to give it a try. That was six years ago. I can honestly say ditching my SUV was the smartest financial move I’ve made. Highly recommend giving this serious consideration.

Chad Niece

Software Account Executive, Oracle Corporation, Los Angeles, CA

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Are you car free?

If you’re already car free you’ll still learn a ton from this course. We would love to interview you about your car free lifestyle. 

Email the Executive Director

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Save money.  Save the planet. GoCarFree.org

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