Go Car Free™

Course Curriculum

go car free course

Part One: Why You’re Better Off Car Free or Car Lite

Lesson 1: Highway Robbery: The Enormous Financial Cost of Cars

Lesson 2: Calculate Your Real Car Cost: 100 Hidden Expenses of Owning a Car

Lesson 3: Un-Safe Space: How Cars Destroy Your Health and Lower Your Quality of Life 

Lesson 4: Eco-Challenged: Why Cars Are an Environmental Disaster

Lesson 5: You Can Live without a Car! (But can you Live Well?)

Lesson 6: From Car Addicted to Car Free: My Story   

Lesson 7: Okay, But I Still Can’t See Myself Going Car Free

Part Two: Car Free Commuting

Lesson 8: Easier Than You Think: Getting to Work without a Car

Lesson 9: Lifestyle Re-engineering: Should You Move Closer to Work?

Lesson 10: Off the Rails: Mastering Mass Transit

Lesson 11: Cost Splitting: Conquering Carpooling

Lesson 12: Two-Wheeling It: Motorcycles and Scooters

Lesson 13: Mankind’s Greatest Invention: Bicycling for Transportation

Lesson 14: Get Moving! Walking, Jogging, Rolling, and Skating

Lesson 15: Looking Good: Wardrobe, Appearance, and Grooming

Lesson 16: Give It a Try: The Weekend Trial Run

Part Three: Non-Work Transportation

Lesson 17: After Hours: Simple Strategies for Non-Work Transportation        

Lesson 18: Don’t Go There: Make Your Errands Come to You                         

Lesson 19: Pick Me Up: The Miracle of Ridesharing                                         

Lesson 20: Driving Is Fun Again: The Joy of Rental Car Weekends                 

Lesson 21: Go on a Ride-Along: Friends, Relatives, and Coworkers                 

Lesson 22: Fun Times: Socializing and Dating Without a Car                           

Lesson 23: Think Outside the Metal Box: Special Situations Require Creativity          

Part Four: Living Your Best Life Without A Car

Lesson 24: Try It, You’ll Like It: Go Car Free for One Week                           

Lesson 25: Let’s Do This: Getting Rid of Your Car                                           

Lesson 26: The Result: Happier, Healthier, and (Much) Wealthier                    

Lesson 27: Give Back: How to Spend All That Extra Time and Money            

Lesson 28: Are We There Yet: Advice for Parents with Kids, and Two- and Three-Car Families         

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